Sample Documents
Making it happen
In thinking about creating a planned gift, there are four (4) sample documents that you should be aware of:
Sample language
To make a gift to the College of Charleston Foundation in a will, trust, retirement plan or other legal document:
I give to the College of Charleston Foundation (the sum of $_______) (____percent of my estate) for the benefit of the College of Charleston. This gift shall be handled according to instructions that may be on record with the College of Charleston Foundation. If there are no instructions on file, then the gift shall be used for___________________________________.
Gift Agreement
To describe how the gift should be used. This is intended as a written memorandum between the donor, the Foundation and the College to specify all understandings. It can be changed at any time.
Download gift agreement (pdf) »
Cistern Society form
The Cistern Society recognizes everyone who has included the College of Charleston in their estate plans, regardless of amount.
Cistern Society form (doc) »
IRS determination letter and tax ID number
For the College of Charleston Foundation (available upon request; contact Paula Ruth, Gift Planning Administrator, at or (843)953-5766).
Tax Advice
The College of Charleston Foundation does not offer tax or legal advice. However, we will work with your personal tax advisors to determine your best charitable options.