Kenan Family Endowed Investment Program Award
A strong partnership between College of Charleston faculty and alumni like Frank Kenan ’05 can make a great impact on campus

A strong partnership between College of Charleston faculty and alumni like Frank Kenan ’05 can make a great impact on campus. In 2014, Kenan co-founded Charleston-based KD Capital Management, an investment fund based on the original Buffett Partnership – and his expertise in business led him to become involved with the College’s School of Business investment program. To Kenan's delight, Mark Pyles, investment program director, had students reading The Intelligent Investor, the so-called Bible of value investing, written by Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett's teacher and greatest influence.
To further the study of value investing in the School of Business investment program, the Kenan family – working closely with Pyles – has created the Kenan Family Endowed Investment Program Award. In addition to positioning the investment program for growth, the award will enable the program’s student directors, known as the Kenan Value Investing Scholars, to participate in professional development experiences that will further their understanding of the value-investing philosophy. This will impact the entire program through shared knowledge, as well. The first Kenan Value Investing Scholar will be selected in fall 2016.
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