Ted and Alva Stern
On the eve of his 100th birthday in December, former CofC president Ted Stern was asked what was left to do in his life? His answer was simple: "To have the opportunity to contribute to society."

Stern continued, "I look forward to doing something to help others because I think it's the only real joy you get in life – by giving and by giving of yourself to benefit others."
Theodore Sanders Stern was president of the College of Charleston from 1968-1978. In that time, he transformed it from a small private school to a nationally recognized institution of higher learning. Stern and his late wife, Alva, included the College in their estate plan with two charitable trusts. Funds will support scholarships and Addlestone Library - generations of students and faculty will benefit from the Stern legacy.
Dr. Stern passed away on January 18, 2013. He will always be a source of strength and wisdom at the College of Charleston and for the City of Charleston.
Interested in leaving a legacy of your own? Find out more about gift and estate planning by contacting David Masich at masichd@cofc.edu or (843)953-1835, or visiting our Planned Giving website.
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